My name is Brody and everyone says I have the best smile!  I’m the baby of my FAMILY and love all the attention.  My mom and  I spends lots of time together and always have fun.  My dad and I love to dance together.  I also have a sister, Gracie, brothers Lucas and Rowen, and 2 furry family members names Baylee and Lucy.  I love it when Nana visits so I can spoil her with hugs and kisses.

My mom is definitely an expert in all things Brody!  I’m working hard on my FUNCTIONal skills like communication and mobility.  I have a great team at KidsInclusive who help my family navigate my needs.  I’m not talking yet but my mom knows exactly what I need!  I tell her how I’m feeling or when I need something with my gestures, eye contact, facial expressions and vocalizations.    I’m also practicing getting around in my new walker so that I can explore my environment.  It’s bright blue and has a special place for “Woody” to ride along with me on my adventures (I’m a bit of a Toy Story fan)!

I’m very active and my family makes FITNESS so much fun.  I love to dance and will start to move as soon as I hear music playing. I have started to go swimming at the pool with my mom and dad. I really love the water!  Zooming around in my walker is good exercise too.

Everyone tells me how much FUN I am to hang out with. I am always laughing and ready to interact with people. I love the movie Toy Story and Woody is my most favorite character. I have a huge collection of toys, books, and figurines from the movie. I’m very musical and love toys that are musical or make noise as well as listening and dancing to music.  I like to watch Miss Rachel. She does a lot of singing.

I love my sister Gracie, she is my bestie. I am going to playgroup soon with my Mom and can’t wait to make some new FRIENDS when we get there.

In the FUTURE I’m looking forward to finding more fun things to do in the community like going to playgroup or a music program.  I can’t wait for the weather to get a little warmer so that we can get outside and explore our neighbourhood. A big goal for our family would be to go to Disney in Florida. Hopefully I will get to go soon and be able to explore and experience everything there is to do and see.

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