My name is Rysen and I’m 8 years old.  My FAMILY and I are from Kashechewan, a Cree First Nation community near James Bay in Northern Ontario.   I love cuddles and my mom really enjoys seeing me happy and playing with toys.  I get to spend lots of time with my Granny.  She helps to take care of me and offers great snuggles.  My mom thinks I listen to Granny more than her!  My family mostly speak Cree at home.

I receive supportive services from both the Cochrane Temiskaming Children’s Treatment Centre and from KidsInclusive to help me improve my FUNCTIONal skills.  Dr. Samdup with the Early Years team, the Seating team and the Augmentative Communication Service from KidsInclusive help me with both in-person assessments and virtual visits.  I’ve been working hard on my communication and have lots of sounds that help me get people’s attention.  I’m learning to use pictures on a communication device to tell my caregivers my needs and wants more clearly.  My mom is great at knowing exactly what I need though– she helps me with getting dressed, having baths, and during mealtimes.

I love to get out of my wheelchair at home and at school!  Being able to move around on a mat lets me spend time in different positions.  I love to roll and kick while I play and do my exercises.  I also enjoy getting outside for walks, as long as it isn’t too cold or windy!  We make FITNESS happen all year long!

I’m a pretty happy kid and love to have FUN!  I like to watch movies, especially when cuddled up with my favourite people.  I enjoy playing with soft toys and blankets, looking at books and exploring things with my hands.

I can be a little shy around people I don’t’ know but am pretty happy once I feel comfortable.  I love to engage with my peers at school now!  Half of my class came to my last birthday party and I liked that my FRIENDS helped me celebrate.

I would love to start going to school full days in the near FUTURE.

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