
Physiotherapy (PT) provides a range of intervention and support services directed toward the prevention or improvement of movement difficulties and the promotion of functional mobility.

Physiotherapists at KidsInclusive are licensed practitioners under the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. Physiotherapists at KidsInclusive are supported by therapy assistants, who may assist in carrying out treatment plans that have been created by the Physiotherapist for the child and family.

KidsInclusive is committed to continued education for therapists to ensure they provide quality, up to date services to children and their families.

The physiotherapist will work with you and with team members to learn about your child and your family and how we can help to facilitate development. Physiotherapy can help to address movement, independence, and participation of your child at home and in the community.


A comprehensive assessment can help you and your therapist understand your child’s motor skills and interests. Therapists use a variety of observational and standardized assessment tools to measure physical and developmental change. Therapists can help you understand your child’s development in comparison to their peers and help you recognize changes in your own child over time.


A team approach ensures a shared understanding of your child and family’s needs, treatment plans, and care-giving strategies. Individualized intervention will be developed for your child based on discussion with you about assessment findings and shared goals. Intervention may consist of blocks of individualized treatment sessions, groups, or consultation and recommendations. We’ll offer practical suggestions to help your child and family achieve improved participation in your home and community.

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