F-Words & Family-Centred Care

CanChild’s F-Words of Child Development

F-Words Family Handout & Profile

The F-words for Child Development is a strengths-based approach used to inform child health and developmental services. Its ideas are grounded in the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (the ICF) framework. This holistic, family-centred approach encourages us to focus on factors that are important to all
children’s development – their participation, activities, and environment. The F-Words include: Functioning, Family, Fitness, Friends, Fun and Future.

We encourage families to fill out the profile on the second page of the handout and bring it to the first appointment so we can get to know your child and family better and can make goals that are relevant and motivating.

To learn more about the F-Words, click on the F-Words logo and visit the F-Words Training Program.

Father with a small child in his arms

Family-Centred Care

KidsInclusive is committed to providing service in a way that engages our clients and their families every step of the way. Collectively with families and our community partners we build on strengths to ensure the best possible outcomes for all our clients.

KidsInclusive often refers to Family-Centred Care as a philosophy that is embedded in all aspects of our organization. Family-Centred Service is defined by CanChild as “a set of values, attitudes, and approaches to services for children with special needs and their families. Family-Centred service recognizes that each family is unique; that the family is the constant in the child’s life; and that they are the experts on the child’s abilities and needs. The family works with service providers to make informed decisions about the services and supports the child and family receives. In Family-Centred service, the strengths and needs of all family members are considered”.

For more information on Family-Centred Services we encourage you to visit the CanChild website:

The external resource links are provided for informational purposes only. KidsInclusive is not responsible for the content, privacy policies and terms of use of websites to which we link. The websites listed are not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment, provided by a qualified health-care provider.

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