Family Experience Council

At KidsInclusive we continue to evaluate and grow our commitment to the highest quality of care for our children and youth and their families. Family Family Experience Counvcilengagement continues to be a key focus in our short and long term planning for the growth and continued development of our services at KidsInclusive. As such, KidsInclusive has formed a Family Experience Council to advise and act as a resource to our leadership team. This Council provides input to support the highest quality of care and supports in programs and services for young people and their families. They act as a resource into decisions that affect the families served by KidsInclusive. The Family Experience Council promotes the principles of Family Centred Care that are respect, information sharing, quality of care and partnership. They advocate and support KidsInclusive in strengthening mechanisms to understand and use the full diversity of family experiences, including socio-economic status, language, race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.

Attached is a description of what this role entails and a statement of interest. If you would like to be considered, please complete the statement of interest and send to Sara Dobiech, Family Engagement Coordinator at 613-544-3400 ext. 2154 or 

Family Experience Council – Description

Family Experience Council – Expression of Interest

Click on the links for more information on Family Engagement and  Family Centred Services

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