Overview of programs and services at KidsInclusive

happy girl playing with big colourful blocks

KidsInclusive in partnership with families and communities fosters the potential of children and youth who have physical and/or developmental challenges. Our programs and services are developed to help meet the needs of children with special needs and their families.

KidsInclusive recognises that each family is unique, that the family is the constant in the child’s life and the experts on their child’s abilities and needs. Family centred service is the cornerstone of our approach to care. Service providers are committed to working with families to make informed decisions about services and support. With family-centred service, the strengths and needs of all family members are considered.

KidsInclusive offers many different programs and services. We recognize that high quality, evidence-based care may be delivered in many ways. Within our various programs and services we may offer:

  • assessment and monitoring of functional abilities
  • parent education sessions
  • individual or group-based therapy with a clinician or clinician assistant
  • home programming support
  • consultation, and/or support for community integration

These services are built upon research, clinical knowledge and leading practices. Services are reviewed and updated as new research evidence and knowledge emerges.

The mode of service delivery offered to a client and family is selected based on the current goals of the child/youth/family, and the needs and abilities of the child/youth and families at that particular point in time.

For example, it may be determined that the most effective way to meet a specific goal is to educate parents/caregivers about strategies to use with their child throughout their day, as a child plays and learns naturally. Or, it may be decided that a child would benefit from working toward goals in groups with peers that are working on similar goals to increase their interest and motivation to participate.

In addition to the way service is delivered, the frequency and duration of service may also change and evolve as life needs change. As more research is published, we advance our understanding regarding the frequency and duration of therapy needed to help children; youth and families achieve their personal best. We factor this evidence into the responsibility we have to our community to utilize available funding to meet the needs of our population.

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