Early Expressions – Preschool Speech and Language

Welcome to Early Expressions Preschool Speech and Language Program.  Early Expressions provides speech and language services to children from birth until they start school.  On May 1, 2023, KidsInclusive assumed responsibility for the delivery of this program in the Kingston, Frontenac, and Lennox & Addington area. 

Who can receive services?

You can refer to Early Expressions Preschool Speech and Language Program if you have concerns about your child’s speech or language development. Your child is eligible for this program from birth until they start school.
If you would like to receive more information about Preschool Speech and Language supports and services in Ontario please visit Preschool Speech and Language Program | Ontario.ca

Does your child need a referral?

If you, your family doctor, and or child care provider have concerns about your child’s speech and/or language skills, you may decide to make a referral to Early Expressions Preschool Speech and Language Program. By making a referral to this program you are requesting assistance with how to help your child develop their communication skills. Please use our online referral form.

If you are unsure if a referral is needed, please review the milestone checklist is from the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services website for your child’s age.  Looking at the milestones will help you decide if a referral is needed.  If you need help, call Early Expressions at 613-544-3400 ext 3175 and press 3.

While you wait

While you wait to be contacted by Early Expressions, learn about What You Can Do Now and consider attending some free Community Programs to help develop your child’s speech and language skills.

You can also click on the image below to visit our Speech Corner for speech and language resources and information:

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