Ontario Autism Program – Social ABC’s

Throughout the 6 weeks, I have heard more vocalizations, my child responds better to me and his attention is easier to get

Since doing this program, when I follow his motivation, I find my child’s responses are quicker whether it is actions or objects!

I never even thought of prompting! He’s making new and different sounds!

She’s engaging me when she wants something rather than saying the word over and over again!

My child is interested when people come over now.  When there’s a knock at the door, he expects play time with someone!

Caregiver Mediated Early Years Program

As part of the new Ontario Autism Program (OAP), MCCSS has launched new Caregiver Mediated Early Years Programs.  Families who have young children who are registered with the OAP will be invited to participate in a Caregiver Early Years Program of their choice.  These programs are offered free of charge to registered OAP families. More information about these programs can be found on the MCCSS website: English  French

KidsInclusive is pleased to offer the Social ABCs program in Kingston, County of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Counties, Lanark County, Leeds and Grenville Counties for children 12 to 42 months (3 and a half years) at start of intervention and have social communication difficulties.

What are the Social ABCs?

Social ABCs is based on a combination of developmental and behavioural principles and focuses on improving a toddler’s use of vocalizations to communicate and share positive emotions with others. Opportunities for teaching and learning come from your child’s natural interests during playtime and day-to-day caregiving routines.

You will work with a trained coach to learn the intervention strategies in your child’s natural environment, using play-based activities and daily routines that your child finds the most motivating. Trained Social ABC’s coaches empower parents/primary caregivers to learn strategies that will motivate their child in the natural environment in social communication.

Please visit Social ABCs Website for more details.

What is the commitment?

This program is delivered in two formats: Group or Individual.

Group: 6 virtual caregiver information sessions and 9 individual coaching sessions delivered over 6 weeks. The same caregiver must be present at all workshops. The caregiver and child attend all coaching sessions.

Individual: 9 extended individual coaching sessions delivered over 12 weeks. Individual sessions include information about Social ABCs strategies followed by individual coaching.

Please visit Social ABCs Website for more details.

Our next round of Social ABCs sessions will be:

  • April 8, 2024
  • May 27, 2024
  • July 15, 2024
  • September 9, 2024

Who is eligible?

  • Children aged 12 months to 42 months
  • Registered with the OAP who received an invitation letter

How to register

Call 1-855-544-3400 ext 2078

Autism Resources