Infant Hearing Program

KidsInclusive is the lead agency for the Southeast Infant Hearing Program.

The first months and years of your baby’s life are very important for developing language and communication. Undetected hearing loss is one of the causes of delayed language development.

Ontario Infant Hearing Program

The Ontario Infant Hearing Program provides:

  • hearing screening for all newborns in the hospital or community setting,
  • assessments to identify permanent hearing loss,
  • monitoring of children who are at risk for developing hearing loss, and
  • language development services (spoken or signed languages).

Two in 1000 babies have hearing loss at birth and another two more develop hearing loss by the age of 5 years old. Children with hearing loss are at risk for delayed development in areas such as listening, talking, learning, and social skills.

General information about newborn hearing screening and what to expect

  • All babies in Ontario should be offered a hearing screen in the hospital before discharge or in the community setting.
  • If your baby is under 8 weeks old and you have not yet accessed a hearing screen, call us right away at 613-544-3400 ext 23175 and press 5.
  • Most babies will pass their newborn hearing screen. The screen is quick and reliable.
  • At the time of screening, the screener will review the screening process, answer your questions, and confirm your consent.
  • If your infant receives a “refer” result on their hearing screen, we will schedule a follow-up screen to gather more information about your child’s hearing. This is a stage 2 screening.

Hearing screening locations

KidsInclusive is the lead agency for the Southeast Infant Hearing Program. Hearing screening is offered at many different locations across the southeast region.

Hospital (before discharge)

Kingston-Health Sciences Centre- Kingston General Hospital site

76 Stuart Street, Kingston ON. K7L 2V7


Community Clinic

KidsInclusive located at KFL&A Public Health

221 Portsmouth Ave., Kingston ON. K7M 1V5

613-544-3400 ext 11108


Hospital (before discharge)

Brockville General Hospital

75 Charles St., Brockville, ON. K6V 1S8


Community clinic

Swift Waters Elementary School
Children’s Services for United Counties of Leeds & Grenville
EarlyOn Program
556 King St West, Brockville, ON K6V 0A7
1-866-433-8933 ext 2377

Smiths Falls

Hospital (before discharge)

Perth Smiths Falls District Hosptial

60 Cornelia St. West., Smiths Falls, ON. K7A 2H9


Community Clinic

Children’s Resources on Wheels (CROW)

EarlyON Program – 4 Ross Street, Smiths Falls ON., K7A 4L5

613-283-0095, ext. 310


Hospital (before discharge)

Almonte General Hospital

75 Spring Street, Almonte, ON., K0A 1A0


Community clinic

Children’s Resources on Wheels (CROW)

EarlyON Program – 4 Ross Street, Smiths Falls ON., K7A 4L5

613-283-0095, ext. 310


Hospital (before discharge)

Quinte Health Care

403 Main Street, Picton, ON., K0K 2T0


Community clinic

Hastings Prince Edward Public Health – Offered by Quinte Family Space

178 North Park Street, Belleville ON K8P 4P1

613-966-9427, ext. 236

Risk factor screen

Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO) uses a blood spot from your baby’s heel to test for a variety of different diseases. This same blood spot is used to test for hearing loss risks, including cytomegalovirus (CMV) and several genetic risk factors. KHSC is one of ten hospitals also using a dried saliva spot to test for these same risk factors.

Audiology testing

If your baby receives a “refer” result on their follow-up screen (stage 2), the next step is to have your baby’s hearing tested by an Audiologist.

Team support

If your child is found to have a hearing loss, we are here to help. A team of professionals will work together with you and your Audiologist. Your team could also include a Family Support Worker, a Speech-Language Pathologist or an American Sign Language (ASL) Consultant and other community supports.

If you have questions about the Southeast Infant Hearing Program, call 613-544-3400, ext. 23175 and press 5.



Reprinted with the permission of KFL&A Public Health.

© Copyright - KidsInclusive Centre for Child & Youth Development