Seating and Mobility Clinic

The seating and mobility clinic at KidsInclusive provides assessment, prescription and fitting of seating and mobility equipment to clients living in the KidsInclusive catchment area. This includes KFLA (Kingston Frontenac Lennox Addington), Lanark and Leeds Grenville County. The equipment that is prescribed can be custom or off-the-shelf and typically includes:

  • Seating systems
  • Specialized stroller systems
  • Manual wheelchairs
  • Power wheelchairs

The team includes the child, their caregivers, a seating and mobility physiotherapist (PT) or occupational therapist (OT), possibly other therapists currently working with the child, a seating technician and an equipment vendor of the caregivers choice. Based on clinical recommendations, the team selects the seating and mobility options that best meet the needs of the child.

Seating and mobility clinic therapists are authorizers with the Assistive Devices Program (ADP), Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. Authorizers have specialized skills working with children and youth who require seating and mobility equipment. Guidance and support is provided to families that require financial assistance to purchase the prescribed equipment.

How to be referred to Seating and Mobility Clinic:

Typically clients are referred to the seating and mobility clinic by their primary therapist. Referring therapists can be working with child in their home, at KidsInclusive or at school.

Eligibility Criteria

Child or Youth:

  • with a developmental or physical disability
  • who has a seating and/or mobility need
  • who resides in the KidsInclusive catchment area


The seating and mobility clinic therapist will assess areas such as muscle tone, reflexes, strength, sensation, joint range of motion, and skin condition. An important part of the assessment is looking at function; how and where the child will use the mobility equipment. This may include transfers and the child’s ability to propel a manual wheelchair or drive a power wheelchair. Measurements will be taken to determine what size and type of equipment will best suit the child.


The seating and mobility clinic therapist may provide consultation around the child’s seating and mobility once they have their equipment. Education about the seating system can be provided to the child/youth and family, as well as referring therapists and other caregivers (e.g. school staff).


  • If the child has previously been seen by KidsInclusive Seating and Mobility Clinic, caregivers can directly contact the therapist that last saw the child.
  • A child/youth may be re-referred to the seating clinic until they are 18 years of age (or 21 if they are still in school).
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