SmartStart Hub Partner Organizations

KidsInclusive, the SmartStart Hub for KFLA and LLG, and our partners listed below work together to provide families with a ‘main door’ with consistent processes and a seamless path from one service to another where necessary. We share information, with consent, so families don’t have to repeat their stories.

Formal partners fall into two categories:
1) service providers/organizations that may be a first point of contact for families accessing children’s services, and will provide supported connections to the SmartStart Hub at KidsInclusive, and
2) those who the SmartStart Hub are required to connect families with, based on an understanding of their needs.

Children’s Mental Health of Leeds and Grenville is one of 89 accredited Children’s Mental Health Agencies located in Ontario.

ConnectWell Community Health provides services to children and families, especially those made more vulnerable by developmental, physical or economic limitations. They are the provider of the Infant and Child Development Program in Lanark County.

KFL&A Public Health provides the Healthy Babies Healthy Children program in the KFL&A region.

Leeds, Grenville & Lanark Public Health Unit provides the following programs:

The Maltby Centre provides mental health and autism services to children and youth in Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington.

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